Walk Score ®
Out of 100
This area is considered a car-dependent area and most errands will require a car.
6950 Pines Cir, Coconut Creek, FL 33073
6950 Pines Cir, Coconut Creek, FL 33073
Phone Number: (754) 341-0601
Data provided by TravelTime
Number of Bedrooms | Number of Bathrooms | Rent Range | Square Footage | Name of Floor Plan | Unit Number | Availability | Newly Added | View More Details |
West Creek Plaza | Walk: 10 min (0.5 mi) |
West Creek Commons | Walk: 12 min (0.6 mi) |
Capelli Plaza | Walk: 8 min (0.5 mi) |
Deerfield Beach | Drive: 9 min (4.6 mi) |
Pompano Beach | Drive: 14 min (7.3 mi) |
Boca Raton | Drive: 17 min (9.1 mi) |
Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood International | Drive: 35 min (24.9 mi) |
Palm Beach International | Drive: 43 min (31.6 mi) |
Broward College, North Campus | Drive: 13 min (7.7 mi) |
Lynn University | Drive: 17 min (8.4 mi) |
Florida Atlantic University | Drive: 19 min (9.8 mi) |
Deerfield Beach Arboretum | Walk: 68 min (3.5 mi) |
Tradewinds Park & Stables | Drive: 8 min (4.3 mi) |
Butterfly World | Drive: 10 min (4.7 mi) |
Daggerwing Nature Center | Drive: 15 min (6.5 mi) |
Children's Science Explorium | Drive: 11 min (6.6 mi) |
In this business the person with the most accurate and timely information usually wins. I truly believe that understanding all of your options is the #1 key to making the best decisions for you and your family. That's why my goal is to keep you informed on trends in the marketplace using the latest local and national statistics.<br /><br />As an area expert with extensive knowledge of our local housing market and neighborhood communities, my objective is to work diligently to assist you in meeting your real estate goals.<br /><br />I hope that you are able to find the answers you've been looking for here. I've provided this information so that you can make the best decision for yourself. If you owe more on your home or investment property than it is worth, I'm confident I can help you to better understand all your options.<br /><br />Call for a free, no pressure, zero-obligation over the phone consultation and I'll do my best to help you understand all of your options and how best to move forward.<br /><br />If you have any questions or comments please contact us.<br /><br />Gillian Wilson<br />The Keyes Company Coral Springs/Parkland Fl.<br /><br />(888) 532-7501